About us

Tom Zimmerman

Eric Peter

Susan Peter
Regardless of the need, we can do the job… 24 hours a day / 365 days a year. With our average employee tenure at just over 12 years, ATSCO has the experience necessary to get the job done right. ATSCO can provide a full range of services to meet the growing needs of our customers in both the utility and industrial sectors.
Whether it’s repairing or rewinding a transformer, fabricating a custom retrofit, renting a necessary unit on short notice, selling an ATSCO reconditioned transformer or a new dry-type or oil-filled transformer, running a diagnostic test, performing a field service call or picking up salvage transformers for recycling… ATSCO is here for you.
Alamo Transformer Supply Company (ATSCO) began operation in March of 1963 in San Antonio, Texas. Since then, we have grown and expanded operations to meet the ever-changing needs and challenges of our customers.
With two locations in San Antonio and one in Houston, ATSCO is strategically positioned to meet the business needs of both our utility/coop and industrial/petrochemical based customers across five areas of expertise:
REPAIR: ATSCO repairs single and three phase distribution and power transformers, dry-type transformers and step voltage regulators.
RECONDITION: ATSCO carries a stock supply of reconditioned single and three phase transformers with a range of up to 25 MVA and a voltage range of up to 138 KV.
REWIND: ATSCO rewinds single and three phase transformers and step voltage regulators.
RENT: ATSCO rents single and three phase distribution and power transformers, dry-type transformers and step voltage regulators on short and long term leases.
RECYCLE: Recycling to extend the life of a transformer and material reclamation.
The San Antonio facility, which consists of a 27,000 sq. ft. plant on two acres, heads up the Distribution Transformer Division repairing transformers up to 500 KVA as well as overseeing the rewinding of all single and three phase transformers up to 12/15 MVA at 200 KV-BIL. The second San Antonio location on 8 acres provides for storage and a transformer processing area. It also serves as our hub for material recycling.
The Houston operation heads up the Power System Division. This facility, on over 4 acres, with its new expansion, has added additional capacity and increased productivity. The new building and bridge crane have effectively doubled both our lifting capacity and hook height (now over 30feet) allowing us to increase the rated size of transformers repaired in Houston to 60,000 lbs.

Alamo Transformer Supply Company

Alamo Transformer Supply Company

Alamo Transformer Supply Company

Alamo Transformer Supply Company